5 questions to ask your optometrist at your next eye exam
Article by Chew’s Optics Specialist. 28 February 2023

It’s that time of the year again. You’ve got an eye exam scheduled in the next few weeks. Although this isn’t your first time going for an eye exam, you wonder if you should be playing a more active role at your upcoming appointment. The answer is yes.
Instead of sitting back and letting your optometrist do all the work, you can use this time to learn more about your vision and eye care in general. Here are five questions to ask your optometrist and get the ball rolling.
1. What eye tests are we doing today?
The first thing you should know about a comprehensive eye exam is that it’s not the same as those free sight tests provided by shopping-mall opticians.
Conducted by a licensed optometrist, an eye exam is much more extensive and comprises a series of eye tests. Before heading to your next appointment, it’s useful to understand the different kinds of tests that are typically included.
Some examples could be a vision acuity test, a dry eye screening, a refraction test, and a fundus screening where the back of your eye is checked for any bleeding or macular changes.
Armed with this new base of knowledge, you can then start your eye exam by asking your optometrist about the different eye tests they will be focusing on – including clarifications about any new tests you’re unfamiliar with.
2. Are there any changes in my eye health?
One of the most critical things to take away from your eye exam is whether your eye health has undergone any changes in the year or two you’ve not been to the optometrist.
Some of these changes can be gradual, while others more significant, such as those whose myopia worsened dramatically while working from home during the pandemic.
Understanding what’s changed in your eye health is the first step to taking better care of yourself.
3. Am I at risk for any eye diseases?
Whether it’s cataracts, glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration (AMD), it’s never too early to check with your optometrist for any symptoms. The purpose here is to get ahead of any potentially life-altering eye conditions.
If you can identify early warning signs through an eye exam, you’d be better prepared to adjust your habits and get started on treatments.
It’s also worth asking your optometrist whether they’ve detected any abnormal symptoms that typically arise from the following health conditions: Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.
That’s right. A little-known fact about comprehensive eye exams is that they can uncover clues about your overall health too. They’re more versatile than you might think. After all, eye health is a part of general health.
4. I've been experiencing certain symptoms. What do they mean?
Say you’ve been cleared of all risks of developing any major diseases and eye conditions, but you’ve been experiencing some odd sensations around your eyes. You have no idea why this is happening, and it’s making you feel anxious. Now’s the time to bring it up and seek some clarity from your optometrist.
It could help fill up some missing information gaps, related to certain eye conditions – leading to a more accurate diagnosis of your current eye health.
Or perhaps the symptoms you described are nothing to worry about, a run-of-the-mill experience or a temporary and harmless side effect of a lifestyle change.
You’ll be relieved to have approached your optometrist about this. And don’t worry if it sounds silly to bring up. It’s a judgement-free zone, especially here within Chew’s Optics.
5. What eye care practices should I be doing more of?
The last but most important question to ask your optometrist at your next eye exam is all about the daily eye health habits you should adopt.
Given everything you know about the state of your vision (especially if there have been major changes since your previous visit), the next obvious step is to put your knowledge to good use.
It doesn’t make much sense to undergo a comprehensive eye exam, if you’re not going to make healthier choices for yourself.
For instance, if you know that you’re starting to develop early signs of age-related macular degeneration, you could slow its progression by adjusting your diet and taking supplements, according to your optometrist’s instructions.
First time going for a comprehensive eye exam?
Check out this guide we put together to walk you through everything you need to know about getting a comprehensive eye exam, including the costs and duration.
If you’re not yet convinced whether you should even be getting one, here’s another article with some eye-opening facts about eye exams, optometrists and why you should prioritise visiting one on a regular basis.
Once you’re ready for your first session, we’ll be here to tend to your needs. Simply walk into our optical shop, or book a comprehensive eye exam with us here.
We’re located at 144 Teck Whye Lane, #01-211, Singapore, and we’re open daily except for Mondays.
Got more questions? Reach out to us on WhatsApp at +65 8314 7093.